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Let’s get ready for our forth week of mindful January. It’s never too late to start with new habits.

Try a different practice each day, so you can see how they make you feel. Some of them you might want to incorporate into your daily life and make them a habit.


  1. Do any kind of movement for 15 minutes. Go for a walk, do a couple of exercises at home, dance to your favorite song, do a yoga flow.. 
  2. Focus on whole foods for the entire day, skip anything that is processed and see how you feel. 
  3. Drink 2 litres of water or herbal tea. Prepare a big bottle or jug of herbal tea in the morning and drink it throughout the day. Always have it next to you or take it wherever you go. In the cold season we often forget to hydrate enough. 
  4. Tell someone why you appreciate them. It will make you feel grateful for this person and how they impact your life. And you might just make someone else's day with a small gesture like this. 
  5. Go to be 30 minutes earlier than usual. Take this extra time to create a comfortable bed time routine, turn off screens, maybe drink a tea, read some pages and notice how you feel more rested the next morning. 
  6. Draw something for 5 minutes without judgement or expectations. Take paper and a pencil and just start drawing whatever comes to your mind. No need to be good at it. 
  7. Find 10 pieces in your wardrobe that serve you no longer and clean them out. Too much stuff weighs us down. Only surround yourself with things that serve you in some way. 

Every action you take is a vote for the person you wish to become. See every small action you take as a tiny seed you sow, the more you repeat the action the more you water the seed. If you do something repeatedly, a beautiful flower or tree will grow from that tiny seed over time. 

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